They don't really come any bigger than IGT. International Game Technology boasts around half the slot machines in US casinos, ⭕️ and their online output is impressive enough to suggest the developer isn't just a land-based player. In fact, there are ⭕️ few slots manufacturers around today that have so completely cornered both live and online markets.
The slots world was shocked by ⭕️ the firm's takeover by GTECH in 2014 but it did nothing to change the reputation of a firm that's undergone ⭕️ many alterations and takeovers but has remained a major player across the world.
From popular land-based slots (some times called Vegas ⭕️ Slots) to the biggest progressives around, and online slots that keep the welcome bonus hunter occupied, things don't look like ⭕️ slowing down anytime soon for IGT.
About IGT
IGT started out life as A-1 Supply, developing video poker and blackjack games, and ⭕️ slot machines. Founder William "Si" Redd changed the name to SIRCOMA (an abbreviation of Si Redd Coin Machines) and went ⭕️ public as International Game Technology in 1981.
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